The series revolves around a girl named, Geum Jan-di. She receives a scholarship to enter a prestigious high school, Shinwa High, after rescuing one of the students from a suicide attempt while on a laundry delivery. Once there, she sees that a group of rich and handsome boys called "F4" (short for "Flower 4") are the most popular of the students, and the whole school seems to worship them. However, the F4 bullies everyone around, and whoever does not do as they wish will receive a "red card" and are punished by the F4. Jan-di, at first, hates all of them and stands up for her fellow classmates and takes the ridicule in. Eventually, she begins to have feelings for one of them, Ji-hoo, but she also discovers that the leader of the group, Jun-pyo, is falling for her as well. This is about a love triangle among Jun Pyo, Jan-di and Ji-Hoo, and how it gets solved.
Friday, January 2, 2009
The series revolves around a girl named, Geum Jan-di. She receives a scholarship to enter a prestigious high school, Shinwa High, after rescuing one of the students from a suicide attempt while on a laundry delivery. Once there, she sees that a group of rich and handsome boys called "F4" (short for "Flower 4") are the most popular of the students, and the whole school seems to worship them. However, the F4 bullies everyone around, and whoever does not do as they wish will receive a "red card" and are punished by the F4. Jan-di, at first, hates all of them and stands up for her fellow classmates and takes the ridicule in. Eventually, she begins to have feelings for one of them, Ji-hoo, but she also discovers that the leader of the group, Jun-pyo, is falling for her as well. This is about a love triangle among Jun Pyo, Jan-di and Ji-Hoo, and how it gets solved.
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