Saturday, April 18, 2009


BOF DVD available @ Poh Kim

According to muii7@soompi, the Boys Over Flowers DVD is available at Poh Kim priced at SGD42.90. You may receive a $2.00 discount if you use the coupon found in the April issue of Kozine magaine.

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Japanese Magazine Scans


1. Fanmeeting F4 & Goo Hye Sun

2. Fanmeeting: SS501 - 내 머리가 나빠서

3. Fanmeeting: Hyun Joong - Be My Girl [ SOLO ]

4. Fan Meeting: SS501

5. SS501 returning to Korea

Credits: Video Owners

Boys Over Flowers Japanese Official Website Images

credits: hanadan-k


Anonymous said...

I think you guys should do a post about how TERRIBLE the Poh Kim DVD set is. The last episode is an obvious download from the internet - low quality, grainy, chopped scenes. The subtitles have typos, don't use the correct names, and are totally off grammar-wise. Not a good deal at all. I hope SG fans are able to buy the REAL DVD series soon.

author said...

Thanks for informing us. I won't be able to do a post on how low the quality is because I have not seen it myself and because if I were to start critisizing the DVDs, the company may take actions against us.

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